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All isoforms for BANP

BTG3 associated nuclear protein
Chromosome: 16
Strand: +
Refseq Full name UniProt ID Residues CDS Transcription Views
NM_001173542 protein BANP isoform f 508 88,008,721 - 88,110,267 87,993,476 - 88,110,924
NM_001173543 Preferred protein BANP isoform g 519 88,008,721 - 88,110,267 88,003,623 - 88,110,924
NM_001173541 protein BANP isoform e 466 88,008,721 - 88,110,267 87,985,037 - 88,110,924
NM_001173539 protein BANP isoform c 505 88,008,721 - 88,110,267 87,985,037 - 88,110,924
NM_001173540 protein BANP isoform d 497 88,008,721 - 88,110,267 87,985,037 - 88,110,924
NM_017869 protein BANP isoform a 469 88,008,721 - 88,110,267 87,985,037 - 88,110,924
NM_079837 protein BANP isoform b 491 88,008,721 - 88,110,267 87,985,037 - 88,110,924