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All isoforms for BLM

BLM RecQ like helicase
Chromosome: 15
Strand: +
Refseq Full name UniProt ID Residues CDS Transcription Views
NM_000057 Preferred Bloom syndrome protein isoform 1 1417 91,290,622 - 91,358,509 91,260,557 - 91,358,692
NM_001287248 Bloom syndrome protein isoform 3 1042 91,303,414 - 91,358,509 91,260,557 - 91,358,692
NM_001287247 Bloom syndrome protein isoform 2 1286 91,290,622 - 91,358,509 91,260,557 - 91,358,692
NM_001287246 Bloom syndrome protein isoform 1 1417 91,290,622 - 91,358,509 91,260,557 - 91,358,692