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All isoforms for CCNA1

cyclin A1
Chromosome: 13
Strand: +
Refseq Full name UniProt ID Residues CDS Transcription Views
NM_001111047 cyclin-A1 isoform c 421 37,007,193 - 37,016,802 37,005,966 - 37,017,019
NM_003914 Preferred cyclin-A1 isoform a 465 37,006,758 - 37,016,802 37,006,408 - 37,017,019
NM_001111046 cyclin-A1 isoform c 421 37,007,193 - 37,016,802 37,005,966 - 37,017,019
NM_001111045 cyclin-A1 isoform b 464 37,006,758 - 37,016,802 37,006,408 - 37,017,019