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All isoforms for MAPKAP1

MAPK associated protein 1
Chromosome: 9
Strand: -
Refseq Full name UniProt ID Residues CDS Transcription Views
NM_024117 target of rapamycin complex 2 subunit MAPKAP1 isoform 2 486 128,201,165 - 128,434,853 128,199,672 - 128,469,513
NM_001006621 target of rapamycin complex 2 subunit MAPKAP1 isoform 4 330 128,201,165 - 128,347,928 128,199,672 - 128,469,513
NM_001006619 target of rapamycin complex 2 subunit MAPKAP1 isoform 3 475 128,201,165 - 128,434,853 128,199,672 - 128,469,513
NM_001006620 target of rapamycin complex 2 subunit MAPKAP1 isoform 4 330 128,201,165 - 128,347,928 128,199,672 - 128,469,513
NM_001006618 target of rapamycin complex 2 subunit MAPKAP1 isoform 5 323 128,284,030 - 128,434,853 128,283,748 - 128,469,513
NM_001006617 Preferred target of rapamycin complex 2 subunit MAPKAP1 isoform 1 522 128,201,165 - 128,434,853 128,199,672 - 128,469,513