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All isoforms for PML

PML nuclear body scaffold
Chromosome: 15
Strand: +
Refseq Full name UniProt ID Residues CDS Transcription Views
NM_002675 protein PML isoform 6 633 74,287,153 - 74,335,521 74,287,013 - 74,335,717
NM_033247 protein PML isoform 8 435 74,287,153 - 74,328,401 74,287,013 - 74,328,735
NM_033239 protein PML isoform 9 829 74,287,153 - 74,328,292 74,287,013 - 74,328,735
NM_033238 Preferred protein PML isoform 1 882 74,287,153 - 74,337,349 74,287,013 - 74,340,155
NM_033250 protein PML isoform 11 781 74,287,153 - 74,328,292 74,287,013 - 74,328,735
NM_033249 protein PML isoform 10 585 74,287,153 - 74,335,521 74,287,013 - 74,335,717
NM_033240 protein PML isoform 2 611 74,287,153 - 74,326,997 74,287,013 - 74,328,735
NM_033244 protein PML isoform 5 560 74,287,153 - 74,326,836 74,287,013 - 74,328,735
NM_033246 protein PML isoform 7 423 74,287,153 - 74,326,836 74,287,013 - 74,335,717