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All isoforms for RAD9B

RAD9 checkpoint clamp component B
Chromosome: 12
Strand: +
Refseq Full name UniProt ID Residues CDS Transcription Views
NM_001286533 cell cycle checkpoint control protein RAD9B isoform c 259 110,950,669 - 110,968,458 110,940,004 - 110,969,891
NM_001286532 cell cycle checkpoint control protein RAD9B isoform b 345 110,943,520 - 110,968,458 110,940,004 - 110,969,891
NM_001286531 cell cycle checkpoint control protein RAD9B isoform b 345 110,943,520 - 110,968,458 110,940,004 - 110,969,891
NM_001286534 cell cycle checkpoint control protein RAD9B isoform c 259 110,950,669 - 110,968,458 110,940,147 - 110,969,891
NM_001286536 cell cycle checkpoint control protein RAD9B isoform e 341 110,940,142 - 110,969,486 110,940,004 - 110,969,891
NM_001286535 cell cycle checkpoint control protein RAD9B isoform d 417 110,940,142 - 110,968,458 110,940,004 - 110,969,891
NM_152442 Preferred cell cycle checkpoint control protein RAD9B isoform a 429 110,940,142 - 110,969,434 110,940,004 - 110,969,891