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All isoforms for ATRIP

ATR interacting protein
Chromosome: 3
Strand: +
Refseq Full name UniProt ID Residues CDS Transcription Views
NM_130384 Preferred ATR-interacting protein isoform 1 791 48,488,249 - 48,506,953 48,488,113 - 48,507,054
NM_001271023 ATR-interacting protein isoform 4 698 48,491,474 - 48,506,953 48,488,496 - 48,507,054
NM_001271022 ATR-interacting protein isoform 3 664 48,493,134 - 48,506,953 48,488,113 - 48,507,054
NM_032166 ATR-interacting protein isoform 2 764 48,488,249 - 48,506,953 48,488,113 - 48,507,054