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All isoforms for DAXX

death domain associated protein
Chromosome: 6
Strand: -
Refseq Full name UniProt ID Residues CDS Transcription Views
NM_001350 Preferred death domain-associated protein 6 isoform a 740 33,286,519 - 33,289,702 33,286,334 - 33,290,793
NM_001141970 death domain-associated protein 6 isoform b 752 33,286,519 - 33,290,691 33,286,334 - 33,290,793
NM_001141969 death domain-associated protein 6 isoform a 740 33,286,519 - 33,289,702 33,286,334 - 33,290,793
NM_001254717 death domain-associated protein 6 isoform c 665 33,286,519 - 33,289,326 33,286,334 - 33,290,793