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All isoforms for MDM4

MDM4 regulator of p53
Chromosome: 1
Strand: +
Refseq Full name UniProt ID Residues CDS Transcription Views
NM_002393 Preferred protein Mdm4 isoform 1 490 204,494,646 - 204,518,810 204,485,506 - 204,527,248
NM_001278518 protein Mdm4 isoform 6 116 204,494,646 - 204,515,932 204,485,506 - 204,527,248
NM_001278519 protein Mdm4 isoform 7 267 204,494,646 - 204,518,810 204,485,506 - 204,527,248
NM_001204172 protein Mdm4 isoform 3 164 204,494,646 - 204,518,810 204,485,506 - 204,527,248
NM_001204171 protein Mdm4 isoform 2 440 204,494,646 - 204,518,810 204,485,506 - 204,527,248
NM_001278516 protein Mdm4 isoform 4 140 204,494,646 - 204,507,416 204,485,506 - 204,527,248
NM_001278517 protein Mdm4 isoform 5 392 204,494,646 - 204,518,810 204,485,506 - 204,527,248