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All isoforms for TP63

tumor protein p63
Chromosome: 3
Strand: +
Refseq Full name UniProt ID Residues CDS Transcription Views
NM_003722 Preferred tumor protein 63 isoform 1 680 189,349,304 - 189,612,291 189,349,215 - 189,615,068
NM_001114982 tumor protein 63 isoform 6 393 189,507,589 - 189,597,967 189,507,448 - 189,599,284
NM_001114981 tumor protein 63 isoform 5 461 189,507,589 - 189,612,010 189,507,448 - 189,615,068
NM_001114980 tumor protein 63 isoform 4 586 189,507,589 - 189,612,291 189,507,448 - 189,615,068
NM_001114979 tumor protein 63 isoform 3 487 189,349,304 - 189,597,967 189,349,215 - 189,599,284
NM_001114978 tumor protein 63 isoform 2 555 189,349,304 - 189,612,010 189,349,215 - 189,615,068