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All isoforms for TP73

tumor protein p73
Chromosome: 1
Strand: +
Refseq Full name UniProt ID Residues CDS Transcription Views
NM_005427 Preferred tumor protein p73 isoform a 636 3,598,929 - 3,649,643 3,569,128 - 3,652,765
NM_001126242 tumor protein p73 isoform d 426 3,607,469 - 3,648,119 3,607,235 - 3,652,765
NM_001126241 tumor protein p73 isoform c 450 3,607,469 - 3,649,326 3,607,235 - 3,652,765
NM_001126240 tumor protein p73 isoform b 587 3,607,469 - 3,649,643 3,607,235 - 3,652,765
NM_001204188 tumor protein p73 isoform l 540 3,598,929 - 3,649,643 3,569,128 - 3,652,765
NM_001204186 tumor protein p73 isoform j 403 3,598,929 - 3,649,326 3,569,128 - 3,652,765
NM_001204185 tumor protein p73 isoform i 475 3,598,929 - 3,648,119 3,569,128 - 3,652,765
NM_001204192 tumor protein p73 isoform m 565 3,624,139 - 3,649,643 3,614,609 - 3,652,765
NM_001204191 tumor protein p73 isoform g 491 3,607,469 - 3,649,643 3,607,235 - 3,652,765
NM_001204190 tumor protein p73 isoform f 506 3,607,469 - 3,649,643 3,607,235 - 3,652,765
NM_001204184 tumor protein p73 isoform h 499 3,598,929 - 3,649,326 3,569,128 - 3,652,765
NM_001204189 tumor protein p73 isoform e 354 3,607,469 - 3,649,326 3,607,235 - 3,652,765
NM_001204187 tumor protein p73 isoform k 555 3,598,929 - 3,649,643 3,569,128 - 3,652,765