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All isoforms for RAD17

RAD17 checkpoint clamp loader component
Chromosome: 5
Strand: +
Refseq Full name UniProt ID Residues CDS Transcription Views
NM_133340 cell cycle checkpoint protein RAD17 isoform 3 505 68,677,871 - 68,710,119 68,666,861 - 68,710,628
NM_133338 cell cycle checkpoint protein RAD17 isoform 1 670 68,668,035 - 68,710,119 68,665,638 - 68,710,628
NM_133344 cell cycle checkpoint protein RAD17 isoform 1 670 68,668,035 - 68,710,119 68,665,638 - 68,710,628
NM_133343 cell cycle checkpoint protein RAD17 isoform 1 670 68,668,035 - 68,710,119 68,665,123 - 68,710,630
NM_133342 cell cycle checkpoint protein RAD17 isoform 1 670 68,668,035 - 68,710,119 68,665,557 - 68,710,628
NM_133341 cell cycle checkpoint protein RAD17 isoform 4 584 68,668,035 - 68,710,119 68,666,861 - 68,710,628
NM_133339 Preferred cell cycle checkpoint protein RAD17 isoform 2 681 68,667,342 - 68,710,119 68,667,280 - 68,710,628
NM_002873 cell cycle checkpoint protein RAD17 isoform 1 670 68,668,035 - 68,710,119 68,666,531 - 68,710,628
NM_001278622 cell cycle checkpoint protein RAD17 isoform 1 670 68,668,035 - 68,710,119 68,665,886 - 68,710,628