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RAD17 (NM_133344) - RAD17 checkpoint clamp loader component

Cell Cycle Checkpoint Protein Rad17 Isoform 1

PTM Interaction Network Visualisation

Protein summary

This is an alternative isoform of RAD17 protein. View all 9 isoforms
RAD17: cell cycle checkpoint protein RAD17 isoform 1

The protein encoded by this gene is highly similar to the gene product of Schizosaccharomyces pombe rad17, a cell cycle checkpoint gene required for cell cycle arrest and DNA damage repair in response to DNA damage. This protein shares strong similarity with DNA replication factor C (RFC), and can form a complex with RFCs. This protein binds to chromatin prior to DNA damage and is phosphorylated by the checkpoint kinase ATR following damage. This protein recruits the RAD1-RAD9-HUS1 checkpoint protein complex onto chromatin after DNA damage, which may be required for its phosphorylation. The phosphorylation of this protein is required for the DNA-damage-induced cell cycle G2 arrest, and is thought to be a critical early event during checkpoint signaling in DNA-damaged cells. Multiple alternatively spliced transcript variants of this gene, which encode four distinct protein isoforms, have been reported. Two pseudogenes, located on chromosomes 7 and 13, have been identified. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2013].

670 residues
All mutations
PTM sites
68,668,035 - 68,710,119
68,665,638 - 68,710,628
29.25% of sequence is predicted to be disordered

Usage summary


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External references

Mappings retrieved from NCBI & UniProt.
gene: 5884